
Years ago, I stood with a friend at a luncheon, sipping our fruit-infused water and standing in our stiff high-heels. We made small talk with friends and acquaintances as we mingled in the foyer before entering the ballroom. After several minutes, my friend looked at me and said, “I wish we could just all get in our sweats and talk about our deepest insecurities.”

I laughed at the contrast of that dream to our reality, but I agreed without hesitation. My friend’s sentiment spoke to a deep desire we all carry. Underneath the job descriptions, volunteer roles, party invitations, committee responsibilities, fancy outfits, and other ways we like to identify others and ourselves, we find in all of us a longing to be known and to connect meaningfully with other people.

I wanted to create a Galentines Guide that helps us do just that. My hope is that you grab hold of this resource and gather around your table, look the people you love in the eye and tell them why they matter to you. My prayer is that these pages cultivate authentic conversation, deeper friendships, and provide an opportunity for us to affirm the gifts we see in one another.

Maybe you’d like to gather with the people you do life with. Perhaps you’d like to invite a group of women you would like to get to know better. Look for the women who can often be found standing on the outside of circles and invite them to come on inside. Save a seat for the lonely woman who can easily forget that she has a place. Let’s take the time to share the significance we see in one another.

Included in this Galentines Guide are: 

• 8 questions to cultivate authentic conversation 

• 8 affirmation cards 

• 8 place cards with verses that speak truth about your identity 

• Barb’s Valentine cupcake recipe (gluten-free and dairy-free)

Enter your name + email address below to download your Galentine’s Guide!